BI-OME® is a revolutionary technology which guarantees an optimal freshness and hygiene for textiles.

BI-OME® successfully clears our garments of microorganisms and reduces activity of viruses. Since no toxic or dangerous substances are used, both people and the environment remain unaffected. And while traditional antimicrobials gradually lose their effectiveness over time, BI-OME® remains active throughout the life cycle of the treated products.


  • long-lasting freshness, activity unaffected by multiple washing
  • eliminates all types of microorganisms
  • reduction of virus activity
  • eliminates the smells created by bacteria
  • controls or eliminates microbial staining of the treated article
  • non-migrating and not harmful to the skin or the environment in use
  • metal and silver-free technology
  • BI-OME® technology is biodegrable - recyclable


is it antimicrobial or antibacterial? 

BI-OME® is an antimicrobial technology that targets a wide array of microbes, including bacteria, viruses, and pyrogenic microorganisms. The active ingredient in BI-OME® is effective against bacteria and enveloped viruses, providing comprehensive protection beyond just antibacterial capabilities

how does BI-OME® attract microbes? 

BI-OME® leverages the positively charged coating on the fabric, which attracts microbes due to their negatively charged cell membranes. This is effective for both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, which are also negatively charged, ensuring the fabric's broad-spectrum antimicrobial action

does it need reapplication? 

No, BI-OME® is a permanent finish that does not require reapplication. Its antimicrobial efficacy is durable and does not diminish over time, even after repeated laundering.